
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Damn Anchor Bay!

Ok, quick post for a Saturday night. Was out of town today doing some shoping, when I came across a DVD of Werner Herzog's remake of Nosferatu for $6.99. Now, I have wanted to see the film for some time, but I knew that the film was shot in both German AND English at the same time, and that Anchor Bay released both versions as part of the same DVD a while back.

Now, I knew that as a budget version of the disc, it having the special features from the earlier release was unlikely, but I was happy as heck to see at the top of the slip case that it read "THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN VERSIONS OF THE MODERN HORROR MASTERPIECE." That was more than enough to get me to make a purchase.

Then I opened the disc at home.

The DVD has nothing but the English version as the DVD case proper states. I checked the slip case again, and in small print at the bottom, it DOES say it is the English version only. Damn it though, if that is the case, than why the hell at the top of the package does it state BOTH the German and English versions of the film? That is false advertising, pure and simple.

Of course, it is too late to return the DVD now that it is opened. Ofn course, I will watch the English version. But it is crap like this that pisses me off when it comes to Anchor Bay, as great as they have been about releasing old genre classics. There are always fifty billion versions of every title, and multiple versions of the SAME DISCS using different packaging, which leads to crap like the mix up today.

Yes, it is my fault for not reading closely, but at no point should even the implication of the German version being on the DVD have been included on the package.

Anyways, enough grumbling on my part. Working on that review of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 as promised a while back, so look for it early in the week.

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